Since 2007 we have invested over £300,000.00 in the Village Hall. This has enabled us to paint the outside; replace windows; install a new kitchen; renew the main roof; install new toilets and a disabled toilet; improve the access; put in new lighting and fixtures and fittings; fit a full fire alarm system; insulate the loft; purchase a new portable stage; install WiFi and a new sound system; decorate the hall; sand and varnish the floor; build a new store room. As well as improvements to the Hall cottage.
A lot of people have worked very hard to achieve this. See below for more information.
The work would not have been possible without some money to fund it! Thank you to everyone who has supported our fundraising events: You have been amazing.
Thank you also to all organisations and individuals who have provided grants and donations:
Ambler Family Trust; Anne Clifford legacy; Awards for All; Cumbria Community Foundation; Cumbria County Council; Cumbria Waste Management; Eden Community Fund; Eden District Council; Eden Housing Association (ECHO); Frieda Scott Trust; Hadfield Trust; Hodgson Brothers Mountain Relay; Johnstone Paints; Lake District National Park Authority; Lloyds Bank; Morrisons Supermarket; Patterdale Parish Council; Persimmon Homes; Ullswater Community Fund; Westmorland and Furness Council.
And thank you to the families of Anne Gibson, Mayson Wear and Joan Wear for their donations. Anne, Mayson and Joan supported the Village Hall in lots of different ways over many years. Thank you.
Grants and donations have provided over £200,000.
Yes, it doesn't stop here. We have big plans and little plans which include:
* Small meeting room in the old downstairs toilets.
* A larger stage with curtains and lighting.
* More work on the roof and repainting the windows.
* Repainting the main hall and kitchen.
* Renewing the fire doors.
Painting of outside walls James Sowerby
New external kitchen door George Ware and John Burrell
Oil tank replaced
And serious fund raising going on: Irish Nights, Fashion Shows, Golden Goal Football Draw, Big Breakfasts, ABBA Night, Christmas Soup and Pud Lunches and Kate Jackson's Sponsored Walk along Hadrian's Wall.
New kitchen fitted Renwick Bros, Penrith
Grants for fridge, hot cupboard, bain
marie and pots and pans
Dishwasher donated.
New double glazed windows Alan Bell, Newbiggin
Stage dismantled by Richard Kelso, Graham
Kelso, Robin Lightfoot, Paul Edgar, Kevin
Jackson, Thomas Jackson after judged to be unsafe
Portable stage purchased
New disabled ramp and disabled toilet Renwick Bros, Penrith
Car park levelled John Bennett, Troutbeck
Disabled parking space G Graham, Gilsland
Thermafleece Loft Insulation Josh Newell
Reslating of half of main roof Ted and John Potter, Orton
More windows replaced Alan Bell, Newbiggin
New cellar doors Renwick Bros, Penrith
Flood defences for basement doors Alliance Flood Solutions
New internal lighting Furness Electricals
Full fire alarm system Beacon Fire Protection
New floor boards Stanley's Joinery, Keswick
Sanding of main hall floor Border Floors, Carlisle
Relocating of ladies' and gents' toilets R Gaskell & K Ormandy, Keswick
Conrad Slack, Keswick
Darren Oswald, Keswick
Stanley's Joinery
Repainting of main hall Rob Wilson and
(Paint donated by Johnstone's Paints) JK Decorating Services
New window blinds West Coast Blinds
PA system/hearing loop Livewire Systems
Reslating of remainder of main roof Ted and John Potter, Orton
Damp proofing in Hall cottage Adamsons Damp Proofing
New wood burning stove in the cottage Austin Kelso & Sons
New carpets for the cottage Arches Carpets
Heating and electrics in the cottage Graham Kelso
PAT Testing Morris Rodham
Painting in the Hall James Sowerby
Robbie Taylor Ltd, Wigton: Our long awaited new external store for
storage of tables, chairs, etc
Border Floors, Carlisle: Sanding and varnishing of the floors in
the main Hall and entrance lobby.
Sound Reduction Systems: Installation of insulation panels to
improve the acoustics in the Hall.
James Sowerby: Varnishing external doors and white
lining the steps.
John Vernon: Work in the cottage.
Will you join us for our New Year's swim/dip which raises money for the Village Hall? Or if you prefer indoor activities, we have our regular Big Breakfast, Pop Up Cafes, Annual Fashion Show (with our classy local models), Christmas Soup and Pud, Christmas Raffle and other events .... keep an eye on our What's On Page.
Our first local wedding receptions took place in the Village Hall in 2018. These were followed by two more wedding receptions in 2019. We now host about three weddings every year for couples from all over the UK .
Congratulations and best wishes to all the happy couples.